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Portfolio » Tape Labs

Tape Labs Homepage Tape Labs Contact Page
Project Dates: Jul 2004 - Apr 2005

The Project:
On a very limited budget, create a more modern page design for the Tape Labs web site home page and secondary pages using several other web sites as inspiration. Create templates, which upon completion, were turned over to the client who used them to build the new site.

What We Did:

  • Create a clean and simple page design, selecting colors to complement the logo
  • Create optimized web graphics from the design
  • Build HTML templates for the home page and secondary pages using style sheets (CSS) to minimize the number of graphics needed
  • Create the "Celebrating 15 Years of Excellence" graphic from a stock photo
  • Create a small Flash movie for the home page to draw attention to a particular area of the page
  • Build a random image and quote picker in JavaScript to select from amongst several items to display on the home page
  • Create a contact form, complete with JavaScript error checking